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Auditoriums - Theaters
County Councils - City Councils
Cultural Centers

Tenor José Alberto Aznar has developed his concerts and recitals for entities such as:

Auditoriums - Theaters
Auditorio de San Martín de la Vega (Madrid)
Auditori "Espai Ateneu" de Sant Vicenç de Castellet
Teatre-Auditori de Montmeló
Teatre Casal "Francesc Macià" de Centelles
Teatre Auditori del Mercat Vell de Ripollet
Teatre Casino "Sala Modernista" de Vic
Auditori "Blas Infante" de Badalona
Jardins de Mas Malet del Masnou
County Councils - City Councils
Consell Comarcal del Gironès
Consell Comarcal de Les Garrigues
Ayuntamiento Madrid (Madrid)
Ayuntamiento Zaragoza (Zaragoza)
Ajuntament Barcelona (Barcelona)
Ajuntament El Perelló (Festa Literària)
Ajuntament Olesa de Bonesvalls
Ajuntament Vila-Rodona
Ajuntament Duesaigües
Ajuntament San Julia de Vilatorta
Ajuntament El Masnou
Ajuntament El Figaró
Ajuntament Ager
Ajuntament L'Albagés (Lleida)
Ajuntament Torres de Segre (Lleida)
Ajuntament Vilafant (Girona)
Cultural Centers
Centro Cultural "Miguel Hernández" (Madrid)
Centro Cultural "Oporto" (Madrid)
Centre Cívic "Sagrada Família" (Barcelona)
Centre Cívic "Bon Pastor" (Barcelona)
Centre Municipal de Cultura Popular de Sant Andreu (Barcelona)
Centre Cívic "Barri Verdun" (Barcelona)
Centre Cívic "El Sortidor" (Barcelona)
Centre Cívic "L'Elèctric" (Barcelona)
Centre Cívic "Font de la Guatlla" (Barcelona)
Centre Cívic de Balsareny
Centre Cívic de Berga
Centre Cultural Collblanc-La Torrassa (L'Hospitalet)
Centro Personas Mayores Rey Fernando (Zaragoza)
Casal Cultural i Recreatiu d'Ullastrell
Casal de Sant Vicenç de Torelló
Casal de Jubilats i Pensionistes de Cassà de la Selva
Casal Municipal d'Avis de Sant Pere de Ribes
Casal de l´Associació de Jubilats i Pensionistes de Sant Isidre de Juncosa de Les Garrigues
Casal Popular "Pere Joan Barceló" de Falset
Casal de Gent Gran "Joan Maragall" de Montgat
Casal de Barri "Can Rectoret" de Barcelona
Associations ...(continuation)
Casal de la Gent Gran de Gurb
Casal de Jubilats i Pensionistes de Palafolls
Casal de la Gent Gran de Vilademuls
Casal Popular "Pere Joan Barceló" de Falset
Casal de la Gent Gran de Corbera de Llobregat
Casal de l´Associació de Jubilats i Pensionistes de Sant Isidre de Juncosa de Les Garrigues
Casal de la Gent Gran de Llinars del Vallès
Casal de la Gent Gran de La Garriga
Esplai de Sant Vicenç de Castellet
Esplai de Vila-Seca
Esplai de Falset
Associació de Cultura i Esplai Casino de Caldes de Montbui
Residencial Sant Gervasi Parc (Barcelona)
Residència "Les Hortènsies" (Alella)
Residència "Josep Baulida" (Llagostera)
Residencial Augusta Park (Barcelona)
Residència Casa Família (Barcelona)
Residència Allegra (Sabadell)
Residència "Castrillón" (Lleida)
Residència "Bona Vista" (Lladó)
Residència "Les Franqueses" (Corró d'Avall)
Assistencial Centres de Dia (Vandellós i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant)
Centre de Dia "La Llar Fundació" (Terrassa)
Centre Assistencial (Benissamet)
Residencias Franciscanas "La Natividad de Nuestra Señora"
Residència "Barcino" (Vallirana)
Residència "Sagrada Família" (Barcelona)
Residència Sitges Park (Sitges)
Fundació Pere Relats (Barcelona)
Hotel Giverola Resort (Tossa de Mar)
Aparthotel Ciutat de Palol (Platja d'Aro)

Auditoriums - Theaters

Auditorio Municipal de Bormujos "La Atarazana" (Sevilla)
Auditorio "Agustin de Tagaste" de San Agustín de Guadalix (Madrid)
Auditorio "Julián Antonio Sánchez" de San Martín de la Vega (Madrid)
Auditori "Espai Ateneu" de Sant Vicenç de Castellet
Auditori "Can Papasseit" de Vilanova del Camí
Teatre-Auditori de Montmeló
Teatre Casal "Francesc Macià" de Centelles
Teatre Auditori del Mercat Vell de Ripollet
Teatre Casino "Sala Modernista" de Vic
Teatre "La Vicentina" de Sant Vicenç dels Horts
Auditori "Blas Infante" de Badalona
Teatre Principal de Valls
Teatre Municipal de Salt
Jardins de Mas Malet del Masnou
Jardins de Can Gaza d'Alella


Auditoris - Teatres

Auditoris - Teatres
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"A mi manera" - José Alberto Aznar (tenor) [Teatro Casino de Vic "Sala Modernista" (Barcelona)]

"A mi manera" - José Alberto Aznar (tenor) [Teatro Casino de Vic "Sala Modernista" (Barcelona)]

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"Suena guitarrico mío" - José Alberto Aznar (tenor) [Teatre Auditori del Mercat Vell de Ripollet (Barcelona)]

"Suena guitarrico mío" - José Alberto Aznar (tenor) [Teatre Auditori del Mercat Vell de Ripollet (Barcelona)]

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County Councils - City Councils

Consell Comarcal del Gironès
Consell Comarcal de Les Garrigues
Ayuntamiento Bormujos (Sevilla)
Ayuntamiento Aínsa (Huesca)
Ayuntamiento Madrid (Madrid)
Ayuntamiento Zaragoza (Zaragoza)
Ayuntamiento Torrelodones (Madrid)
Ayuntamiento Huéscar (Granada)
Ayuntamiento Beriáin (Navarra)
Ajuntament Barcelona (Barcelona)
Ajuntament El Perelló (Festa Literària) (Tarragona)
Ajuntament Olesa de Bonesvalls (Barcelona)
Ajuntament Vila-Rodona (Tarragona)
Ajuntament Duesaigües (Tarragona)
Ajuntament San Julia de Vilatorta (Barcelona)
Ajuntament El Masnou (Barcelona)
Ajuntament El Figaró (Barcelona)
Ajuntament Ager (Lleida)
Ajuntament Ascó (Tarragona)
Ajuntament Sant Feliu de Codines (Barcelona)
Ajuntament Teià (Barcelona)
Ajuntament L'Albagés (Lleida)
Ajuntament Torres de Segre (Lleida)
Ajuntament Vilafant (Girona)
Ajuntament Fogars de Montclús (Barcelona)
Ajuntament Vilanova del Camí (Barcelona)
Ajuntament d'Alella (Barcelona)


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"Amapola / No puede ser" - José Alberto Aznar (tenor) [Festa Literària El Perelló (Tarragona)]
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Cultural Centers

Centro Cultural "Miguel Hernández" (Madrid)
Centro Cultural "Rey Fernando" (Zaragoza)
Centro Cultural "Oporto" (Madrid)
Centro Cultural "Francisco Fatou" (Madrid)
Centre Cívic "Sagrada Família" (Barcelona)
Centre Cívic "Bon Pastor" (Barcelona)
Centre Municipal de Cultura Popular de Sant Andreu (Barcelona)
Centre Cívic "El Sortidor" (Barcelona)
Centre Cívic "L'Elèctric" (Barcelona)
Centre Cívic "Font de la Guatlla" (Barcelona)
Centre Cívic de Balsareny
Centre Cívic de Berga
Centre Cívic "Collblanc-La Torrassa" (L'Hospitalet)
Centre Cívic "La Sagrera" (Barcelona)

Centres Cívics

Centres Cívics
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"No puede ser" - José Alberto Aznar (tenor) & Anastasiia Brezden (piano) [Centre Cívic "Sagrada Família" (Barcelona)]
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"Bella enamorada" - José Alberto Aznar (tenor) & Anastasiia Brezden (piano) [Centre Cívic "Sagrada Família" (Barcelona)]
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Centro Convivencia Personas Mayores "Rey Fernando" (Zaragoza)
Casal del Barri Verdun de Barcelona
Casal Cultural i Recreatiu d'Ullastrell
Casal de Sant Vicenç de Torelló
Casal de Jubilats i Pensionistes de Cassà de la Selva
Casal Municipal d'Avis de Sant Pere de Ribes
Casal de l´Associació de Jubilats i Pensionistes de Sant Isidre de Juncosa de Les Garrigues
Casal Popular "Pere Joan Barceló" de Falset
Casal de Gent Gran "Joan Maragall" de Montgat
Casal de Barri "Can Rectoret" de Barcelona
Casal de la Gent Gran de Gurb
Casal de Jubilats i Pensionistes de Palafolls
Casal de la Gent Gran de Vilademuls
Casal Popular "Pere Joan Barceló" de Falset
Casal de la Gent Gran de Corbera de Llobregat
Casal de l´Associació de Jubilats i Pensionistes de Sant Isidre de Juncosa de Les Garrigues
Casal de la Gent Gran de Llinars del Vallès
Casal de la Gent Gran de La Garriga
Esplai de Sant Vicenç de Castellet
Esplai de Vila-Seca
Esplai de Falset
Associació de Cultura i Esplai Casino de Caldes de Montbui
Associació Pensionistes i Jubilats de Vilanova del Camí

Casals - Esplais

Casals - Esplais
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"Granada" - José Alberto Aznar (tenor) [Esplai Vila-Seca (Tarragona)]
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Residencial Sant Gervasi Parc (Barcelona)
Residència "Les Hortènsies" (Alella)
Residència "Josep Baulida" (Llagostera)
Residencial Augusta Park (Barcelona)
Residència Casa Família (Barcelona)
Residència Allegra (Sabadell)
Residència "Castrillón" (Lleida)
Residència "Bona Vista" (Lladó)
Residència "Les Franqueses" (Corró d'Avall)
Assistencial Centres de Dia (Vandellós i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant)
Centre de Dia "La Llar Fundació" (Terrassa)
Centre Assistencial (Benissamet)
Residencias Franciscanas "La Natividad de Nuestra Señora"
Residència "Barcino" (Vallirana)
Residència "Sagrada Família" (Barcelona)
Residència Sitges Park (Sitges)
Fundació Pere Relats (Barcelona)


Hotel Giverola Resort (Tossa de Mar)
Aparthotel Ciutat de Palol (Platja d'Aro)
Vídeos en directe
Auditoris - Teatres
Centres Cívics
Casals - Esplais


Here are some testimonials of experiences with tenor concerts:


Residence Director of Campdevànol [Girona]
(Fundació Vella Terra)

«The performance of tenor José Alberto Aznar at the Campdevànol Residence and Day Center was a success. We celebrated the Family Festival, for Christmas, and we could enjoy a varied repertoire, with a voice that liked all those attending the concert. Users, relatives and employees valued the experience very positively. To repeat!»

Francesc (Casal Deltebre).jpg


President of the Association of Elderly People of Deltebre [Tarragona]

«On May 11th we had the honor to enjoy the concert of tenor José Alberto Aznar, which was a great success surpassing all the expectations. A great professional with a spectacular voice. accompanied by his lady who makes a monologue of each song she plays. Fabulous, to remember a lot of time »

Benigno Salor Colina (Casal Vila-Seca).j


Member of the Board of the Association of Elderly People of Sant Esteve de Vila-Seca [Tarragona]

«Listening to the voice of tenor José Alberto Aznar Santiago, for those of us who like certain classic songs, but also to be able to listen to popular songs of a lifetime, in such a powerful, well-timed and melodic voice, is a true privilege; when we heard him singing, almost "a capella" the "Nessun dorma" of Puccini, as they say, they put "my hair like escarpies" and tears of emotion appeared in my eyes. Throughout 2018, we have had the honor of being able to attend three concerts in the Associació Gent Sant Sant Esteve de Vila-seca, of the La Caixa Foundation, with a large influx of public, including local authorities and we can assure you that they were extraordinary concerts, excited attendees / clapping standing. Thanks also to that great communicator who is Nuria Martín Trillo. We are looking forward to seeing you again. Thank you for making us enjoy the music with your extraordinary voice. "



President of the Association of Elderly People of Sant Esteve de Vila-Seca Sant Vicenç de Castellet (L'Esplai) [Barcelona]

«Hello José Alberto, from Sant Vicenç de Castellet. It is a great joy for us to congratulate you on the arrival of your little prince [birth of the son of José Alberto and Nuria]. I would like to be able to explain to your prince how well we all had the grandparents of the Esplai when his father comes to act, and especially when I feel you sing My Way.
Well, looking at your son's picture, I am convinced that you are one of those people who do everything they do very well ...... well, that's a precious thing, but we can not forget that singing is really fantastic.
A hug José Alberto, for you and your Mrs. And a kiss for the prince, with the greatest wishes that we will see each other very soon.

Cristina (Residència Ors Rossélló - Barc


Director of the Residence "ORS Roselló" [Barcelona]

«The emotional capacity of your music has contributed to the greater welfare of each of our residents.
We have not been able to disconnect or avoid getting excited about significant items such as your "Nessun dorma" or your "In my way".
You've transmitted each piece to our skin (goose's skin) and you've made us HAPPY (uppercase) during each and every one of the concerts, which we hope will never end.
Many congratulations and, above all, many thanks.»



President of the Association of Elderly People of Llinars del Vallès [Barcelona]

«With the 5 years that I am President of the Association of "Gent Gran" and Pensioner of Llinars del Vallès, I can say, without fear of being wrong, that the best show has been, without a doubt, the interpretation that this great tenor, Josè Alberto Aznar , makes the themes, both popular songs as opera and zarzuela arias; with his great and harmonious voice at the service of the different scores, the audience becomes enthusiastic and asks for more and more.
The accompaniment of Mrs. Nuria, presenting the songs and telling the stories of them, is an ideal complement. In summary, it is a luxury to be able to enjoy this show.





On behalf of the Board of the Association of the Elderly People of Sant Esteve de Vila-Seca [Tarragona]
Esplai Vila-Seca (Merche Maza).jpg

«We met in the "Spring Concert" for the Elderly, in Vila-seca, in EspaiCaixa Vila-seca in 2018. When we started listening to the introductions that made the Nuria, before each performance of José Alberto, it seemed very nice to us, we were as family; but the great surprise was when we heard the voice of this tenor so extraordinary, with these melodies so well interpreted and this voice so melodious.

They made us spend a very special afternoon to remember, each subject was as if we were listening to it for the first time, and in the end, we also sang at heart with José Alberto.
The Board of Directors.»

Juan Guijarro (Presidente de la Platafor


President of the Social and Cultural Platform for the Elderly of Badalona.

«José Alberto is a great professional with a great musical sensitivity. In the Auditorium of Badalona there were more than 300 people who were shocked with their voice and their staging.»



Councilor of the City Council of Vila-Seca

«The Annual City Celebration has some intriguing moments. This year I could meet the party of the Esplai of the Elder People of Sant Esteve de Vila-seca. I appreciate having thought about us to attend and to enjoy the precocious performance of Tenor Jose Alberto Aznar Santiago»

JUANJO (2).jpg


President of the Aragonese Center of Valls

«On September 28, 2019 and in commemoration of the 45th Anniversary of the foundation of the Aragonese Center of Valls, we were fortunate to have the performance of Jose Alberto Aznar. A magnificent performance, which exceeded all our expectations, a great professional and a fun and quality show.
We will try to come back another time. Congratulations Jose Alberto. »

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